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Got Questions? We Can Help!

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by Olena Karbach, Seneca Libraries

in the June 2020 issue


Seneca Libraries is here to support you during these unique times. We have received many important questions from faculty over the past several weeks covering a wide range of subjects. We want to share your questions and our answers with as many faculty members as possible through a series of Q&A drop-in sessions customized for each faculty area. Please join us!

Some questions we have answered leading up to the summer semester include:

  • What library resources and supports are available virtually?
  • How do I access the library’s online resources?
  • How can I find relevant and engaging content for my course?
  • How do I request a resource purchase for my course or program?
  • What citation support is offered to my students this summer?
  • Can I include library tutorials in My.Seneca?


Each Q&A session will be hosted by your liaison librarians. In addition to fielding your questions about library support for your online classes, we will provide a brief overview of the key areas of library support, including:

  • Library resources (e.g., videos, images, eBooks, case studies, articles, and more)
  • Digital and research assignment support (e.g., workshops, tutorials, cartridges, research appointments)
  • Citation and plagiarism help (via online citation style guides, workshops, modules, virtual chat)
  • Copyright (e.g., policy, guide, modules)


We are looking forward to answering your questions. Please visit the Information for Faculty guide for scheduled times and links for the drop-in online sessions.
Word clouds in the shape of two hands



View the June 2020 issue of the Academic Newsletter.

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