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From Laurel’s Desk – September 2018 | Academic Newsletter | Seneca Polytechnic

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From Laurel’s Desk – September 2018

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in the September 2018 issue


A group of faculty members collaboratingWelcome to the 2018/19 academic year!

I arrived Tuesday morning to bustling halls, lost students, and a much longer line than usual at Starbucks (note to self: remember to check the CafeQ app before heading out). It is as if someone set the switch from “low” to “maximum” speed. It doesn’t matter how many fall “start ups” I experience, each time I am struck by the positive energy and sense of anticipation permeating the air and how everyone at Seneca focuses on ensuring each student gets off to a great start.

As David noted at the All Employee Meeting last week, we hired a number of full-time faculty over the past four months. Most are not new to Seneca, having taught with us before. For others, this will be their first experience teaching or teaching at Seneca. Just as we do with our new students, we want to ensure that all faculty, particularly new faculty, are provided with the critical information and support they need to promote student learning. A great example of this support was the Teaching & Learning Summer Conference which took place on August 23 and 24 (The Teaching & Learning Summer Conference). More learning opportunities are highlighted in this issue and there will be more to come. With so many excellent faculty members, the possibilities are endless.

We have a number of initiatives, projects, and programs underway or in the development stage, such as continued work on policies and procedures, implementing the Digital Learning Strategy, and launching the Academic Integrity program. I often compare many of the projects to “building the plane and flying it at the same time.” This is to say we know there is always more that needs to be done. The rhythm of the academic year and critical dates limits us to an annual window when we can make policy changes. Hitting this window was crucial and despite the huge amount of work, we made the window. New and revised policies are now posted in the policy hub. The “wrap around” supports are in the process of being developed in collaboration with the various subcommittees, working groups, and departments. It is expected that there are some things we have missed or not anticipated. We will be looking to receiving your recommendations for resources to support students and faculty, suggestions for improvement, and questions for consideration.

My very best wishes for a successful semester,





View the September 2018 issue of the Academic Newsletter.

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