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Constructing Learning Outcomes

Constructing Learning Outcomes

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There are at least three distinct parts to a well-constructed Learning Outcome.

Performance, Content and Criteria as the three parts of a well-constructed learning outcome. Consider the guiding question: What should the learners be able to know and do in the end, and what are the measurable characteristics that their learning is grounded in?

Seneca Examples

The following examples were delivered in a Learning Outcomes workshop by Valerie Lopes. The workshop was aimed at faculty taking the Foundations of Teaching and Learning (FTL) course, part of the Faculty Development Program at Seneca.

Performance Content Criteria
Write learning outcomes statements that are SMART
Discuss the integral links between learning outcomes and assessments when developing subjects and programs
Distinguish between learning outcomes and learning objectives when planning subjects
Apply a Bloom’s revised taxonomy of learning to develop and revise learning outcomes
Discuss the reasons why verbs such as “understand” and “appreciate” are not used in a SMART learning outcome

Quality of Learning Outcomes

A well-structured learning outcome depends on the choice of verb it contains, and whether it is SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-limited). This section highlights suitable verbs, and lists verbs which should be avoided. The section also describes SMART learning outcomes, and includes a rubric for evaluating your current course learning outcomes.

Visit the following links to learn more:

Rubric for Writing Learning Outcomes

You may use the rubric below to help guide your writing of learning outcomes:

Rubric for Evaluating Learning Outcomes (PDF) 

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