Why is Universal Design for Learning (UDL) Important at Seneca?

Seneca Polytechnic is committed to expanding access and support to all students, employees and visitors, by having as its goal a barrier-free learning and working environment to enable academic and employment success.

What is Universal Design for Learning (UDL)?

UDL is based on research in the learning sciences, including cognitive neuroscience. It provides a framework that guides educators to consider the three principles of Universal Design for Learning; multiple means of engagement, representation and action and expression. As educators, we want to examine how we design our lessons so that we consider the words “multiple means”. Reflect on how you will disseminate the course content. Do you lecture, Incorporate group problems solving activities, etc? Consider how to engage students, both face to face and online. When we want to assess what students have mastered what are multiple means they can engage in “action and expression” to demonstrate competency? Contemplating the three principles of UDL will lead to more flexible learning experiences that will be more inclusive to our whole diverse student population.

Let’s explore more as we support students to be successful!

Since 1984, the Centre for Applied Special Technology (CAST) initiated and continues to conduct research on teaching and learning and Universal Design for Learning. They provide ongoing education and support for educators.

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