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On June 2, 2021, Conrad Prince, Director of the National Reconciliation Program for Save the Children, visited School of English and Liberal Studies Professor Anastassia Bazin's Intro to Canadian Studies class to discuss the important work that must be done toward Truth and Reconciliation.
His guest lecture was recorded and is available online. To watch the video, please use the password: BgcD8cmc.
Conrad Prince is an Anishnabe/Caribbean and a member of Sagkeeng First Nation (Treaty # 1) in Manitoba and was adopted into a white Canadian family. Conrad co-chairs a national committee dedicated to examining children’s aid issues and is one of the founders of a non-profit organization, Connecting With All My Relations, which offers assistance to trans-racial adoptees.
He considers himself to be a social justice advocate and has dedicated a significant amount of time, energy and passion to speaking out against the Indigenous adoption and foster care removal system for over 15 years. He is trained in Criminology and Sociology.
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