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#SenecaProud Graduation | School of Information Technology Administration & Security (ITAS) | Seneca Polytechnic

School of Information Technology Administration & Security (ITAS)

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#SenecaProud Graduation

#SenecaProud Graduation

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You have been a significant part of their Seneca journey, and we need your help to make the celebrations a memorable experience for our graduates and their guests.

Faculty will receive an email from Marianne Marando, our Vice-President, Academic & International, with details on how to register as a Platform Party member. For everyone else, please register to assist as a marshal or for general support by Monday, Sept. 30.

Thursday, October 24

Time Faculty, School and Program
3 p.m.

Seneca Nanji Foundation School of Nursing


Friday, October 25

Time Faculty, School and Program
10 a.m.

Faculty of Arts

  • School of Arts & Science (ASU, GAP, GEA, INS, LAT, LIT, PAD, PADC)

Seneca Business

  • School of Management & Entrepreneurship (BAG, BAN, BAO, BAS, BBM, BBS, EXS, LES, MES, NPM, NPMC, PBS)
3 p.m.

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering Technology

  • School of Electronics & Mechanical Engineering Technology (ECT, ECTC, EEN, EENC, EET, EETC, EMA, EMAC, MATD, MATT, MIT, MTCP, MTCPW)
  • School of Environmental & Civil Engineering Technology (BTS, BTSC, CVL, CVLC, CVT, CVTC, ETM, ETMC, MBT, MBTC, PME, UBS)
  • School of Fire Protection Engineering Technology (FFP, FPN, FPT)

Seneca Business

  • School of Human Resources & Global Business (BAB, BABC, BHR, BHRC, BHRM, BMI, BUI, HRM, HRMC, IBS, SCM, SCMC, SMBC, TCS, TCSC)

Saturday, October 26

Time Faculty, School and Program
10 a.m.

Seneca Business

  • School of Accounting & Financial Services (ACC, ACF, ACFC, APP, APPC, BACF, BAF, BAFC, BIN, CFP, FCA, FIP, FNT, PRA)
  • School of Aviation (ASE, AVO, FPR)
  • School of Hospitality & Tourism (FLS, FSO, GBD, GBDC, GBG, GHL, GHLC, GOM, GOMC, GTB, GTBC, HFC, HTM, TIS, TISC, TTO)
3 p.m.

Faculty of Applied Science & Engineering Technology

  • School of Biological Sciences & Applied Chemistry (CLT, CRQ, CRQC, CSP, CSPC, RAQ, RAQC)
  • School of Computer Programming & Analysis (CPA, CPAC, CPP)
  • School of Information Technology Administration & Security (BTT, BTTC, CAA, CAAC, CNS, CSN, CSNC, CTY, CTYC, CYT, CYTC, IFS, PMC, PMCC)
  • School of Software Design & Data Science (AIG, BSD, BTM, CPD, DAD, DSA)

Sunday, October 27

Time Faculty, School and Program
10 a.m.

Faculty of Community & Health

  • School of Community Services (BCMH, CYC, SSIA, SSW, SSWA, SSWG, SSWI)
  • School of Early Childhood Education (BCD, ECE, ECEJ, ECEK, ECYA)
  • School of Health Sciences (BHM, DTR, OPTC, PHS, VTA, VTE)
  • School of Public Safety (BBP, BHS, CIA, ESC, LAW, JAS, LCK, LCKA, PLE, PLEA)
  • School of Recreation & Environmental Studies (FHP)

Faculty of Continuing Education

  • All programs

Seneca Nanji Foundation School of Nursing

  • School of Nursing (PND, PSWC)
3 p.m.

Faculty of Communication, Art & Design

  • School of Creative Arts & Animation (ACV, AFD, ANID, ANIG, ANIT, DAN, DNM, GAA, GRA, ILS, IMP, INM, IPS, VFT)
  • School of Fashion (CTM, EAS, EST, EVC, FAA, FAB, FBM, FDN, FST, MST, VMA)
  • School of Media (CAB, GRM, GRMC, JRN, JRNY, PRC, PRCC, RTVR, RTVT)

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