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Engineering Competition | School of Information Technology Administration & Security (ITAS) | Seneca Polytechnic

School of Information Technology Administration & Security (ITAS)

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Engineering Competition

Engineering Competition

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Saturday 16th November, 2024

Two exciting challenges await! Choose your path! (ONLY ONE CHALLENGE PER TEAM IS ALLOWED) choose wisely:

🔧 Re-Engineering: Teams of 2 improve an existing concept or product. Get the first case 7 days before the competition, then tackle a second one on THE day. Present your solution in 15 minutes + Q&A.

💻 Programming: Teams of up to 4 develop software solutions for real-world problems. Specs are announced 7 days prior. After 6-8 hours of coding, present your work and field questions from judges.

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For more information, DM us on Instagram @seneca.engsoc or email us at senecaengineeringcompetition@gmail.com