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Finding Images in the Text Editor

The AI Design Assistant is integrated with Unsplash and can suggest search words to help you find royalty-free images within any text editor.

Finding Images in the Text Editor

  1. From within the text editor, select the Image icon. The Insert image pop-up box will appear.

  1. From the drop-down menu, select Stock Images from Unsplash. The AI Design Assistant will suggest keywords to search Unsplash for a course image (banner). You can change the keywords and run the Unsplash search again.

  1. Navigate through the image results until you find the one you want to use. Select the image and then select Next.

  1. Select and drag, or use the arrow keys, to reposition the image. You can Zoom in or out as needed. Select Next to confirm the choice of image.

  1. Select the Display Name text box to edit the file name displayed to learners. Note: Make display names descriptive to help learners identity the contents of the image(s).

  1. Select the Alternative text text box and provide a description for screen readers.

  1. Select how your learners will interact with the image file:

    1. View and download: Students will be able to view and download the file.

    2. View only: Students can only view the file.

    3. Download only: Students can only download the file.

  1. Select Save. The image from Unsplash is displayed in the text editor.