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Ultra Converted Course FAQ | Blackboard Ultra

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Ultra Converted Course FAQ

Ultra Converted Course FAQ

This resource will be updated with common questions about converted courses. Check back regularly.

What to do with your Converted Course Webinar:

This video explores some of the changes to look for in your converted course:

(Added April 26, 2023: Copying Ultra Converted Content Into an Empty Course Shell)

How does the conversion process work?

Last year, Chairs compiled a list of courses and sections that will be converted. The majority of these courses are already completed.

These converted courses can be used by faculty to prepare for the next time they are taught.

In addition, as usual, faculty will receive a blank course shell before the start of the summer term. Faculty will be able to copy from their converted course into the blank shell.

Where can I find my converted course?

You can find your course under the term, "Ultra Converted":

How do I know if my course will be converted?

Chairs sent out a list with all courses to be converted. Follow up with your Chair to inquire which of your courses and sections are slated for conversion.

Can I have a Winter 2023 course converted?

Unfortunately we are unable to accommodate the conversion of courses that are currently being taught.

I need help with my converted course

We have a webinar, "What to do with your converted course," that you can register for. We are also hosting virtual drop-ins regularly.

You can find our offerings on MyPD or on our Blackboard Ultra Webinars and Drop-Ins page.

My course shell is blank

If your converted course is blank, please contact your Chair.

Note: Summer courses are supposed to be blank. You need to copy the material into the course. See the Copying Ultra Converted Content Into an Empty Course Shell article for more help.

Can I copy from Original to Ultra?

We strongly do not recommend course content copy from Original Course View (OCV) to Ultra Course View (UCV). This is known to cause a number of failures and errors.

You are encouraged to use your converted course as a base from which to work with when moving to Ultra. 

My course is missing content

If your course is missing content, you can either rebuild the missing content or connect with your Chair.

There are no students or groups in my Converted Course

Courses were converted without student data transferred over. Students (and their work) were not transferred over. 

Will I have access to my Blackboard Original courses?

Yes, you will have access to Blackboard original courses. They will be removed as per the normal schedule of removing old terms and you will receive communication from ITS when they are preparing to remove courses.

I see a lot of discussion boards I don't recognize

In Blackboard Original, if you made groups, you had the option to create blogs, wikis, journals, and discussion boards for each group. You may have created these elements without ever using them. In this case, these items came through in Blackboard Ultra. You can delete them from your course.