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The Teaching & Learning Centre

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The Teaching & Learning Centre is open!

The Teaching & Learning Centre is open!

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The Teaching & Learning Centre supports faculty members and instructors in enhancing the academic experience. We offer workshops, courses, online modules, links to resources, and one-on-one consultations about teaching, including course and assessment design, lesson planning, active learning strategies, student engagement, and integrating technology tools into education.

Seneca’s Teaching & Learning Centre Team is comprised of faculty members, instructional designers, project managers, eLearning designers, a multi-media specialist, and administrators. We work together to support faculty and instructors across the college.

We have reopened at Newnham Campus! Drop by Room A2508 to ask questions, share teaching resources and meet the team.

Please note that our hours are Monday to Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST.

To learn more about the members of our team, visit our updated About Us webpage. There you’ll find team photos and you’ll learn about the areas of expertise of each team member.

For general inquiries related to teaching and learning, you can email the entire team at teaching@senecapolytechnic.ca.

We hope to see you in the Teaching & Learning Centre soon!

Faculty Professional Development Opportunities

Upcoming Courses

Globalizing Our Classrooms – Developing Intercultural Competence
This is a four-week synchronous online course that begins on Thursday, Nov. 3. For more information, visit our Globalizing Our Classrooms – Developing Intercultural Competence course calendar entry.

Teaching Unique Diverse Learners (UDL)
This is a four-week asynchronous online course that begins on Monday, Nov. 7. For more information, visit our Teaching Unique Diverse Learners (UDL) course calendar entry.

Foundations of Creating Accessible Content
This is a two-week asynchronous online course that begins on Tuesday, Nov. 8. For more information, visit our Foundations of Creating Accessible Content course calendar entry.

Developing Online Materials for Your Course
This is a four-week synchronous online course that begins on Wednesday, Nov. 16. For more information, visit our Developing Online Materials for Your Course course calendar entry.

More information on all courses is also available in our Fall 2022 Courses from the Teaching & Learning Centre Spark Plug article.


Blackboard Ultra Webinars

To prepare for Blackboard Ultra when it arrives for winter 2023, the Teaching & Learning Centre is offering the following workshops:

  • First Look at Blackboard Ultra
  • Assessments in Blackboard Ultra
  • Gradebook in Blackboard Ultra
  • Groups, Accommodations, and Other Blackboard Ultra Topics

Visit our Blackboard Ultra Webinars and Drop-ins webpage to view the webinar descriptions and upcoming sessions that are open for registration in MyPD.


Photo by Clay Banks on Unsplash

View all the Teaching & Learning Centre Spark Plugs!


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