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Third Bundle in the Faculty Development Program | The Teaching & Learning Centre | Seneca Polytechnic

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Sep 12

Third Bundle in the Faculty Development Program

9/12/2024 9:50 AM 12:30 PM (Eastern Daylight Time)
Hybrid from Newnham Campus

The third bundle of courses in the Faculty Development Program consists of two components:

  • Inclusive Teaching and Scholarly Practice
    "Inclusive Teaching & Scholarly Practice" (ITSP) is central to your development as a college professor and as someone who teaches among the challenges of a diverse, multifaceted, and complex teaching and learning community, both inside and outside the classroom.
    Through the process of inquiry and critical reflection, the practices and assumptions on which decisions about teaching are based will be discussed. Grounded in the scholarship of teaching and learning and the principles of Universal Design for Learning, a variety of strategies to create a learning environment that is inclusive by design and engages students from diverse backgrounds will be examined. The role of applied research in the college classroom will also be explored.
  • Evaluation and Feedback
    This facilitated course provides an overview of traditional and alternative evaluation and feedback methods to support authentic/alternative assessments. Participants develop an evaluation/feedback scheme for one of their assessments

Prerequisite: the second bundle in the Faculty Development Program.

Inclusive Teaching and Scholarly Practice is a 12-week course, running from September 12 to December 5, 2024. It meets weekly in hybrid mode on Thursdays. The in-person components will take place at Newnham Campus between 9:50 a.m. and 12:30 p.m.

“Evaluation and Feedback” is an asynchronous online course.

Apply to register in MyPD.
Spaces in this bundle are reserved for the faculty members who are required to participate in this bundle. Once they have registered, we will open up any remaining spaces to the faculty who have applied and who have completed the pre-requisite bundle.


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