teaching and learning online

Teaching, learning, and assessment online can be both a rewarding and challenging experience. Teaching and Learning Online at Seneca will introduce you to resources which will support your planning needs for working online.

We encourage you to let us know if there are topics you would like to learn more about by filling out this Teaching and Learning Online at Seneca form:

Teaching Online

Three areas to focus on when teaching online are planning, content creation and delivery, and pacing and interaction. These areas look different when compared to a face-to-face classroom. Where possible, leverage technology to help support your pedagogy.

Guiding questions:

  • What physical, emotional and cognitive resources can I draw upon to successfully teach online?
  • How might I leverage technology in an equitable way encourage student interaction?
Learning Online

Planning with empathy towards learners will encourage you to view students as partners in the process of teaching and learning online. Designing learning tasks that allow students the flexibility to work independently and collaboratively will enhance the online experience.

Guiding questions:

  • How might I involve student voice in the online learning experience?
  • What are some evidence-based ways of supporting students through group work online?
Assessment Online

Assessment online is quite different from face-to-face instruction. The need for authentic and reliable assessment strategies is paramount in an online environment. There is room for creativity in assessment design online if it relates to the learning outcomes and students can clearly understand what they are required to do.

Guiding questions:

  • How can I help students appreciate the value of academic integrity in an online context?
  • How can I design authentic assessments which meet course learning outcomes?
Resources for working online

Take a moment to browse through Seneca’s resources for working online.

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