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Faculty Profile - Ramesh Poredi | Seneca Business | Seneca Polytechnic

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Faculty Profile - Ramesh Poredi

Faculty Profile - Ramesh Poredi

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Ramesh Poredi has been in the hospitality industry for more than 35 years and has a wide range of experience in different food and beverage roles like director of food and beverage, executive chef and food and beverage manager. He has been teaching a variety of hospitality and tourism courses at Seneca since 2010. Ramesh has also been associated with President David Agnew’s lunch for environmental and sustainability initiatives, namely the “Fish Lunch,” and lunches hosted by Mr. Agnew for the Ontario Minister of Tourism and Ontario Minister of Transport. Ramesh has also had the opportunity to cater The Service Gold Awards for our industry partners and the Career Expo event held every year for students from the School of Hospitality & Tourism (hospitality, tourism and flights programs). Currently he is working on the setup and inception of the new hospitality lab at the Newnham Campus. The lab features a state-of-the-art kitchen and restaurant for students to practise hands-on skills of food and beverage production and service.

SB Newsletter: Fall 2020

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