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Takara Small talks sustainable education and more

Takara Small talks sustainable education and more

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Seneca welcomed Takara Small, award-winning entrepreneur journalist and technology columnist on CBC’s Metro Morning, to the second instalment of the Seneca Business Sustainability Series.

During the virtual conversation, Ms. Small focused on sustainable education which she says requires a holistic approach to how we look at education. 

“There are a lot of people where attending class can be a challenge for them and we’ve seen through the pandemic that if you offer some resources online and in an accessible capacity students will gravitate to it and will use it,” she said as she discussed how the pandemic has made us all rethink education and magnified inequalities that existed regarding access to technology and the importance of digitalizing education.

 Mary Vaughan , Dean, Seneca Business, ended the event with questions from students and employees.

recording of the event will be available until midnight on Thursday, June 10.

Over the next few months, the Seneca Business Sustainability Speakers Series will be highlighting stories of courage and impact from well-known sustainability advocates. Information about the next speaker in the series will be provided in the coming days.

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