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Seneca Hackathon

Seneca Hackathon

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Seneca's Covid-19 Business Response Hackathon was held from June 29 to July 3. Overall, 440 students registered, more than 100 of them Business students from the School of International Business & Management. There was an outstanding opening keynote with more than 500 watching. It featured the CTO of Microsoft Canada, CEO of Sightline Innovation and the Director of the Toronto Product Management Association. There were nine different sponsors from industry that presented challenges to participants. RBC and Lafarge were invited by Cam-Tu Doan from the School of International Business & Management to mentor and sponsor students for this event. At the end of the week, 36 quality projects were submitted.

Congratulations to the winners:

  • BIZAX team for Lafarge solution — Cristiane Sousa, Saksham Meharia
  • LUCK team for RBC solution — ABI Consulting Co: Wilson Bracamonte, Wendy Avila, Sharlene Irvine


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