Please find a few helpful pieces of information of things to be aware of once the term comes to an end.
Marked final assessments are the property of the institution and must be stored/accessible in Blackboard for at least a year in the event that a student wishes to review their exam or in the case of an Academic Appeal. From time to time your Chair or Program Manager may need to access your Learn@Seneca site in order to retrieve whatever graded material is available.
Faculty are responsible for making themselves available to students to review final assessments once final grades have been released. This usually occurs during the first few days of the next semester. If you are not teaching in the next semester, please connect with your Program Manager or Coordinator to make alternative arrangements for your students.
Once you have marked your final assessments the final grades must be entered on-line using the Faculty Centre following final assessments.
Grading Policy
Seneca’s Academic Policy states that at the end of each term, and at intervals as may be appropriate, the cumulative record of each student is reviewed by a Promotion Committee. This committee officially represents faculty involved in teaching a student.
The Promotion Committee recommends to the institution: grades appearing on the Student Academic Record (transcript); granting of Supplemental Privilege; withdrawal of students from the institution for reasons of unacceptable performance, including extension by more than a year of the normal time required for completion of a program, or attendance or behaviour; awarding of Seneca certificates, diplomas and applied degrees; and other matters regarding the academic progress and performance of each student.
When recommendations of the Promotion Committee have been accepted by the institution and posted to an official transcript, they are considered final, the only recourse is an Appeals Procedure and/or subsequent review by the Promotion Committee. Under no circumstances will grades be conveyed to a student other than by means of the official transcript.
Visit the Office of the Registrar: Administrative Information and Resources for more information on Promotion Meetings.
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