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Elevator Pitches and Networking Opportunities

Elevator Pitches and Networking Opportunities

4.95 (1votes)

OSLT (Occupation-specific Language Training) courses offer students the opportunity to learn and practice workplace communication skills through activities that are common to their sector.  The 180 hours of training is provided online through virtual classes.  Recently, students in the OSLT Accounting and Finance class have completed their first unit.  They were introduced to various resources that help them to learn about the requirements and qualifications needed to work in accounting and finance occupations in Ontario.  In addition, a CPA representative spoke to students to inform them of their potential career pathways. 

Students also practiced introducing themselves professionally in order to be able to talk about their experience and career goals in an interview or networking settings.  A student commented, “I believe creating the elevator pitch is extremely useful for me to improve my professional introduction and interview skills”.  Moreover, in order to help students build their professional networks, different OSLT classes came together for a virtual networking activity.  “It was interesting to know the other classes and learn and share about the challenges and opportunities they are encountering in the Canadian job market,” a student concluded.

Seneca College will be offering new OSLT courses in the fall, namely Accounting and Finance, Technology and Professional Managers.

To be eligible for OSLT, students need to be Permanent Residents or Convention Refugees, (not Canadian citizens or Refugee Claimants), have a Canadian Language Benchmark level 6 – 8, and have prior work experience or training in the sector.

For more information, please visit: https://www.senecacollege.ca/ce/oslt/#OSLTSchedule

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