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For Student Hours on the Addendum

For Student Hours on the Addendum

Before the start of each term, the Faculty of Arts reviews the addendum template making improvements from previous versions. Recently, the FOA discussed the idea of re-branding or demystifying "office hours" as explored in Inclusive Teaching

Also, Academic Success Tip: Rebrand Office Hours presents key takeaways for changing "office hours" to "student hours": 

  • Choose new language. Why do some international students understand "office hours" to mean when the professor is busy and unavailable? Using new language may provide clarity and address an equity gap.
  • Offer appointment times. Do office hours conflict with a student's schedule? Adding appointment times may help when students have responsibilities outside of school.
  • Connect online. Do professors use their campus office space regularly? Nowadays, meeting students virtually is a viable and convenient option.
  • Leave the office entirely. Do meetings have to be in an office? In addition to online meetings, perhaps meeting at common spaces on campus would make some students less nervous. From an equitable perspective, perceptions of teacher-student power dynamics may shift outside of an enclosed space.
  • Establish the purpose of the visit. Do students know why there is a meeting? In addition to telling students what they will be doing when meeting with their professor, advise them what documents to prepare and items to bring.

On the addendum, professors are asked to briefly explain what “Student Hours” means. For example; "Student Hours means one to one time to ask questions about a task", or "Student Hours or help hours is a time to individually check-in or share concerns with your professor". The FOA also recommends discussing "Student Hours" on the first day of classes and posting details in the online content.

small (but mighty) change, "Student Hours" supports Seneca’s Next vision of a great student experience.

Comments (1)


Thank you Darryl Bautista for sharing this to help us understand the importance of this change.
