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Retiring from Seneca? Join the Seneca Retirees' Association (SRA) | Advancement and Alumni | Seneca Polytechnic

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Retiring from Seneca? Join the Seneca Retirees' Association (SRA)

Retiring from Seneca? Join the Seneca Retirees' Association (SRA)

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Congratulations on reaching the milestone of retirement. You devoted countless hours towards your work and to making Seneca great. We are pleased to offer the opportunity to stay connected with Seneca and with your fellow retirees.

The Seneca Retirees' Association was founded in September 1994. The association grew quickly and in 1999, it officially became a Chapter of the Seneca Alumni Association.

To join the Seneca Retirees Association, there is a lifetime (one-time) membership fee of $29.00. 

Membership Criteria

  • All Seneca employees, including partial load and part-time employees, who worked at Seneca for at least five years and are now retired are eligible for membership.
  • The SRA Executive is responsible for considering membership for those who do not meet the above criteria.
  • SRA membership for those eligible or approved is obtained by completing the Membership Application Form and paying the membership fee.
  • All SRA members in attendance are entitled to vote at the Annual General Meeting, serve as members of the SRA Executive, and avail themselves of any privileges available to SRA members and Seneca College Alumni Association members.

Membership benefits 

  • An senecaretirees.ca email account
  • Invitations to events and activities; annual holiday luncheon, annual general meeting and monthly social luncheons
  • Seneca Biweekly Digest, biweekly Seneca employee e-newsletter
  • RED, Seneca's annual community magazine
If you have any questions on your eligibility, please refer to the membership policy on the Seneca Retirees' Association website. You may also email alumni@senecapolytechnic.ca.

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