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Venturing to support entrepreneurs

Venturing to support entrepreneurs

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Photo: Jane Forbes, former Seneca program co-ordinator, is supporting entrepreneurs through the HELIX Venture Fund.

Before a business can generate a profit, entrepreneurs need investments to get their new ventures launched. However, while loans may be an option for some, many entrepreneurs cannot afford to take on additional debt. What’s more, a City of Toronto report found that half of Black-owned businesses cited access to funding as their main challenge, and it has been found that women obtain bank loans only about half as often as men do.

To remove some of these barriers for their entrepreneurs, HELIX, Seneca's on-campus innovation and entrepreneurship incubator, is launching a venture fund with donations from friends of Seneca and fellow entrepreneurs. There will be two levels of the HELIX Venture Fund: a Kickstarter fund for HELIXers in the early stages of their businesses and a larger Acceleration fund once they become more advanced.

Read the full story

If you would like to support HELIX, please considering donating here or emailing advancement@senecacollege.ca.

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