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Go on a Virtual Neighbourhood Tour of North Etobicoke | Advancement and Alumni | Seneca Polytechnic

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Go on a Virtual Neighbourhood Tour of North Etobicoke

Go on a Virtual Neighbourhood Tour of North Etobicoke

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On Friday, Oct. 21 at noon, join United Way for a Virtual 3D tour of North Etobicoke.

Each month, United Way invests $7.5 million to support communities across Peel, Toronto and York Region. That ongoing support has been critical at this time; underpinning a strong and multi-faceted response—when our community needed it most. 

In this neighbourhood tour of North Etobicoke, you will learn how the global pandemic is impacting our friends and neighbours right here at home. You will see not only how COVID-19 has pushed low-income communities further into crisis, but how gifts made to United Way have provided support when it was needed most.

Direct event questions to unitedway@senecacollege.ca

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