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Seneca Awards reception celebrates students and recognizes donor generosity

Seneca Awards reception celebrates students and recognizes donor generosity

4.95 (1votes)

Like many postsecondary students, Bradley Colin Dcouto not only juggles the demands of full-time studies, but the Seneca student also spends a good deal of his time volunteering on campus to make the most of his educational experience.  
“As an active Seneca community member, I have discovered my voice and the power of collective impact,” said Mr. Dcouto, who’s in his third year of the Honours Bachelor of Commerce – International Business Managementdegree program. 
During the Seneca Awards reception held on Thursday, April 4, Mr. Dcoutu attributed his ability to balance school and volunteering to the financial support he has received at Seneca. When he’s not attending classes, he’s a member of the intercampus soccer team, a peer mentoring volunteer and a lead Student Ambassador for the Campus Experience Team. 
“Receiving [financial aid] is not just an accolade; it is a lifeline. It signifies belief in my potential and alleviates the financial challenges that often cloud the aspirations of students like me,” he said. “This support has transformed my educational journey, allowing me to immerse fully in the Seneca experience without the overshadowing worry of financial burdens.” 
This year’s Seneca Awards took place at The Pond at Newnham Campus. The event, which pays tribute to Seneca’s generous donors and celebrates the achievements of its outstanding students, offers an opportunity for award recipients to meet their donors. 
As a recipient of the Michael Chan International Business Bursary, Mr. Dcouto said he’s able to focus on his studies and future ambitions. 

“It enables me to continue my efforts in making a tangible difference within the Seneca community and beyond. I envision creating a mentorship program that provides direction, support, and encouragement, bridging the gap between ambitions and accomplishments.” 
With 25 per cent of those who leave Seneca before completing their programs citing financial difficulties as a primary factor, donor support continues to be critical when it comes to student success. 
For Carmelina Manno, National Director, Partnerships and Business Development at Manulife and representative for the organization’s four awards funded at Seneca, it’s experiencing first-hand the impact this kind of support can have on a student’s ability to achieve their full potential that drives their continued investment. 

“As a proud Seneca alumna and even prouder parent of a Seneca grad, I know how hard students work to succeed in their studies and careers. I also know that financial support from donors can make the difference between having to leave Seneca and being able to stay the course and complete their studies,” said Ms. Manno. “That’s why I am happy to facilitate Manulife’s support for Seneca students. It’s a thrill to meet with the students who benefit from our support each year.” 
For more information about establishing your own student award, email advancement@senecapolytechnic.ca or call 416.764.0766. 

Comments (1)


Congratulations Bradley!  well deserved.



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