Seneca Polytechnic is committed to a safe and healthy working and learning environment for students, employees and external stakeholders. Seneca will take reasonable measures to accommodate individuals with demonstrated scent, chemical or environmental sensitivities and allergies.
Seneca is a large, complex, public institution and has limited ability to control otherwise safe exposures to a variety of substances, the source of which may be construction, building furnishings, valid chemical processes and uses, residential activities, and personal practices. The institution will make reasonable efforts to reduce or, where possible, eliminate the use of scented products.
This guideline applies to Seneca students, employees, contractors and visitors, at all Seneca campuses, buildings and residences and is intended to:
For most people, exposure to scents or fragrances is not a problem. However, the presence of materials that contain and emit scents or fragrances may affect the comfort level and/or health of those with pre-existing conditions.
For individuals with pre-existing conditions, such as chemical or environmental sensitivities, migraines, asthma, or allergies, exposure to some scents or fragrances can trigger a range of adverse health effects. Although the processes by which fragrances and chemicals act to bring about symptoms are not yet understood, the impact on those affected can be quite severe, resulting in health difficulties, as well as negative impacts on study and work activities.
Symptoms these individuals may experience include headaches, dizziness, nausea, light-headedness, fatigue, weakness, insomnia, malaise, confusion, loss of appetite, depression, anxiety, numbness, upper respiratory symptoms, shortness of breath, difficulty with concentration and/or skin irritation.
The following is a list of common scented products and potential environmental agents/irritants that may contribute to an individual’s scent sensitivity:
Students, employees contractors and visitors will be informed of this guideline through brochures, notices on digital displays, and other communication methods.
Seneca will make every reasonable effort to:
Individuals are asked to:
Employees who feel adversely affected by scents in the workplace and who may be experiencing scent, chemical or environmental sensitivities should report their concern and the circumstances of their condition to their supervisor.
The supervisor will investigate and work to resolve the issue. This may involve speaking with and seeking co-operation from all parties involved. A supervisor’s response to a situation will be guided by Seneca's responsibility to provide employees with a safe workplace.
Should the issue persist, the supervisor may also consult with Human Resources and Campus Services to further assess the potential exposure(s). Seneca will address the matter in accordance with applicable policies and legislation.
Students who feel adversely affected by scents on campus and who may be experiencing chemical or environmental sensitivities should report their concern to their program chair (or co-ordinator) first to determine if the issue can be addressed and resolved internally. This may involve a discussion with a class led by a professor or the program chair requesting co-operation from the student/s to accommodate the affected individual.
If the issue cannot be resolved internally, the student should contact Counselling Services, whose response will be guided by applicable policies and procedures. The student should also be actively involved in identifying solutions.
Smoking Restrictions Policy
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