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An Introduction to Seneca’s Internal Program Development Process

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by Ivy Chiu Loke, Program Quality

in the Spring 2017 issue


Academic areas lead the development of new programs with the support of the Academic Quality (AQ) team. New program ideas can be brought forward to Margo Foster, who will facilitate early discussions about program concept, resources and demand, and support the development of a Statement of Interest (SOI). The articulation of occupational areas, a discussion of the labour market and industry demand, an environmental scan of the internal resources and external comparable programs, and alignment with Seneca’s Academic and Strategic Plan and the Strategic Mandate Agreement (SMA) are also required at this stage. The SOI requires approval at the Dean’s Committee.

After approval of the SOI, the Program Quality (PQ) team can support the development of the Preliminary Program Proposal (PPP), which is a more extensive description of the program demographics and supporting evidence. A timeline of Seneca's three-stage internal program development process: SOI, PPP, FPP.The information required at this stage includes: the vocational learning outcomes and program curriculum; deeper analyses of the labour market, comparable programs, student demand, and resource capacity; pathway and transfer opportunities for students and graduates; preliminary evidence of external support; and a financial framework. The PPP also requires approval at the Dean’s Committee.

Once the PPP has been approved, PQ can support the development of the Final Program Proposal (FPP), which is the further refinement of the elements of the PPP. The FPP also includes information about program delivery, an analysis of the key performance indicators for comparable programs, identification of the alignment of the program with certification or accreditation bodies, evidence of endorsement by the Program Advisory Committee, letters of support from industry and academic institutions, and an updated financial framework. The FPP requires approval by the Dean’s Committee, the Senior Executive Committee, the Academic Planning and Student Affairs Committee, and finally the Board of Governors.

For more information about Seneca’s three-stage internal program development process, please refer to the Academic Program Development and Modification Policy (January 2016).

After approval by the Board of Governors, AQ will support the development of materials for relevant external approvals including applications to the Credential Validation Service (for non-degree programs), the Postsecondary Education Quality Assessment Board (for degree programs), and/or the Ministry of Advanced Education and Skills Development. For more information about external approvals processes for program development, please visit the website.

See the Spotlight on: Course Design article in this issue for more information on course design.



View the Spring 2017 issue of the Academic Newsletter.

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