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Seneca offers degree programs in a wide variety of subject areas. These four year Honours Bachelor degrees provide students a balanced combination of theory and practical experience. Seneca’s Ministry-approved degrees are academically rigorous, promote high standards of learning and connect to industry needs.
Teaching & Learning has created the Degree Level Teaching website to support faculty teaching in Honours Bachelor degree programs. The goals of this site are:
Contained within this site is information on the Degree Level Standard, degree learning outcomes, degree level assessments and the incorporation of research/scholarship into teaching. The sections are organized as follows:
Here you will find a description and interpretation of the six elements of the Degree Level Standard along with sample learning outcomes and links to further resources.
Four online learning modules present the content in an interactive format. Each module concludes with an exercise designed to facilitate the integration of the content with your courses. Completion of the modules and exercises is recognized by the awarding of digital badges.
Links to resources, worksheets and a downloadable PDF version of the site content.
Visit the The Teaching & Learning Centre for information on learning outcomes, assessments and other teaching resources applicable to all credential levels.
Room A2508, Newnham Campus, Seneca Polytechnic
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