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Curriculum Integration Newsletter: February 26-March 1 | Curriculum Integration | Seneca Polytechnic

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Curriculum Integration Newsletter: February 26-March 1

4 hikers on 4 different paths representing 4 different seasonsHello everyone!

Check out some exciting resources, developments and events below.

Curriculum Integration Project

Brown backpack with two leaves at the top representing the start of this journey.
Caption: Curriculum Integration logo. Source: Teaching & Learning Centre.

Week 6: Curriculum Strategies Working Session 

Looking ahead to Week 6 of the CI Project, faculty are invited to join one of the three Curriculum Strategies working sessions where we will discuss program mapping as part of the Needs Analysis. Join us in one of three sessions virtually or in room K4160 at Newnham Campus. Register for the sessions in MyPD. 

  • Monday,  March 4, 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm (virtual) 

  • Tuesday, March 5, 10:00 am – 12:00 pm (in-person) 

  • Thursday, March 7, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm (virtual) 

Curriculum Café

Save the date for our upcoming special Saturday Edition that will be held on Saturday, March 16 12:30 pm – 2:00 pm, virtually. Register for Curriculum Café: Saturday Edition in MyPD today!  

If you can’t make it, join us for our next flex Curriculum Café. It will be held on Thursday, March 21, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm in room A2506 at Newnham Campus. This Curriculum Café discussion will be an ongoing opportunity for faculty to share their curriculum stories and values statements. Note: All sessions are open to non-faculty champions. Register for Curriculum Café in MyPD today! 

Seneca’s Curriculum Café is a bi-weekly informal get-together where faculty share and learn about curriculum integration in Truth & Reconciliation (TRC), Equity, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI), and Sustainability (SUS).  

Logo for Curriculum cafe.

Caption: Curriculum Café logo. Source: Teaching & Learning Centre.

Event Announcement 

During the Winter 2024 Study Week (Feb 26-March 1), the Program Quality team will be offering four optional virtual workshops to support curricular development, curricular integration and modifications. These are optional sessions for those interested in program review. Join us in the following four virtual sessions covering a variety of topics. Register for the Program Quality workshops sessions in MyPD. The workshops will be recorded.  

  • PLO and CLO Writing: Tuesday, February 27, 10:30 am – 12:00 pm 

  • Mapping, Scaffolding, and Curriculum Review: Tuesday, February 27, 1:30 pm – 3:00 pm 

  • Curriculum Integration: Wednesday, February 28, 10:00 am – 11:30 am 

  • Drop-in Support: Bring Your Own Modification: Wednesday, February 28, 1:00 pm – 4:00 pm  

Image of group of adults sitting in the classroom 

Caption: Image of group of adults sitting in the classroom. Source: Adobe Stock. 

Classroom Connection 

Environmental Scan from Colleges Ontario 2022 

The community of educators at Seneca Polytechnic recognizes the diverse student populace within our classrooms. To support this understanding, here are some insights from the Colleges Ontario 2022 Environmental Scan helping you understand select demographics. Colleges Ontario is an association representing the province’s 24 public colleges. 

The example here is Table 5 from Section 4 Domestic Learner Demographics and Characteristics offering a few notable statistics: 55% of Ontario college students are female-identified, 50% are 21 or younger, and 28% are the first of their family to attend post-secondary schooling. Also, 10% of Ontario college students speak first languages other than English and French. 

Screenshot of 2022 Environmental Scan — Student and Graduate Profiles, table 5 College students 

Caption: Screenshot of 2022 Environmental Scan Student and Graduate Profiles, table 5 College students. Source: 2022 Environmental Scan - Student and Graduate Profiles. 

Event Recap: Ice Fishing with the ORI

Members of the Seneca community, including President David Agnew, enjoyed a gorgeous day of ice fishing on Cook’s Bay, Lake Simcoe over Family Day weekend.   

The perch were definitely biting this year! The catches were also large enough for the group to enjoy a fish fry that complemented the moose stew and tasty brew at Mark Solomon’s home afterwards.  

Miigwech to Mark and his wife Amy for organizing the day, and for welcoming the group into their home. Mark also shared some connections to consider between ice fishing and the curriculum integration pillars for our classrooms. These connections include: 

  • The naming history of Lake Simcoe. The lake was named Zhooniyaang-zaagaigan meaning “Lake with lots of silver” due to its huge herring, whitefish, and minnow populations. The Wendat/Ouendat (Huron) people renamed it Ouentironk, from the French and Huron language meaning “beautiful water”. It became known as Lac Tarontos meaning “the narrows” until it was named after Captain John Simcoe by his son.

  • The effect of short winters from an environmental and social perspective, and the economics of climate change; for example, ice thickness may endanger lives and threaten livelihoods. During the winter months, when air travel is not viable because of poor weather, sometimes light vehicles will deliver goods to the reserve on Georgina Island via an ice road. If the ice road cannot be formed, the communities will have limited supplies and may be stranded. Also, without ice thickness, fishing opportunities diminish contributing to food poverty. Many Indigenous communities rely on the environment for their daily food rather than the expensive local markets.

  • The science of ice and why Lake Simcoe has so many perch, a versatile fish species whose spawning habits are influenced by water temperature and environmental conditions.  

Caption: Photo 1: Lake Simcoe with fishing huts in the distance; Photo 2: ORI's New Maxine (Darryl Bautista) and Original Maxine (Maxine Britto); Photo 3: Having a fin-tastic time! (L-R: Lara McInnis, Sonal Kamath, Rema Tavares, Cat Ascenuik); Photo 4: Big smile for a big catch! Photo 5: Tasty treats. Photo 6: Sonal digging into some good eats. Source: Teaching & Learning Centre; ORI.

Team Spotlight 

This week, we are so happy to introduce Jasmeen Chandi, Manager in the Office of Reconciliation and Inclusion. Read Jasmeen’s self-introduction below to learn about her role and responsibilities in advocating for inclusivity within Seneca: 

My name is Jasmeen Chandi (she/her) and I have recently joined Seneca as Manager, Reconciliation and Inclusion. Since being here, I have worked with a variety of stakeholders to support making spaces and developing communications that centre equity deserving groups, including initiatives for Trans Awareness Week and Black History Month. My work touches on several goals in Seneca’s Reconciliation and Inclusion Plan, including fostering an inclusive culture and developing protocols for inclusive commemorations and celebrations. Feel free to reach out if you would like to connect on these offerings from the Office of Reconciliation and Inclusion or are thinking about leading an initiative of your own. 

I am sharing the trailer from Lido TV, a CBC web series created by Grammy-nominated artist, Lido Pimienta. Sharing perspectives on colonialism, beauty, and feminism, through sketch comedy, puppetry, and musical performances, Pimienta makes room for humour and creativity in our shared responsibilities. 

Image of hand holding a paper cutting in a shape that people holding hands in circles 

Caption: Image of hand holding a paper cutting in a shape that people holding hands in circles. Source: Seneca Polytechnic. 

Looking for support? Feel free to reach out to the CI team at any time by emailing teaching@senecapolytechnic.ca.

mural of fisherman on the water and three fish all drawn in Indigenous woodland style

Caption: Artwork by Isaac Murdoch, “The Petition to the Water Spirits”, located at Seneca@York Courtyard. Source: Seneca Polytechnic, 2023.

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