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Using Microsoft Teams to Increase Engagement and Community in Your Class | The Teaching & Learning Centre | Seneca Polytechnic

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Using Microsoft Teams to Increase Engagement and Community in Your Class

Using Microsoft Teams to Increase Engagement and Community in Your Class

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Welcome to episode two of Teaching and Learning Stories from the Field, a new podcast from Seneca’s Teaching & Learning Centre. This week we will hear about using Microsoft Teams in the classroom and beyond from Jason Dojc, from the School of Marketing, and Kirsti Clarida, from the Veterinary Technician program. Jason and Kirsti will share how they use Microsoft Teams to encourage engagement and community in their courses.


Listen to "Using MS Teams to increase engagement and community in your class with Kirsti Clarida and Jason Dojc" on Spreaker.

Transcript of Episode 2 of the Teaching and Learning Stories from the Field podcast (.txt)


Hosts of this episode: Jennifer Peters and Arushi Manners

Featured faculty members in this episode: Anonymous and Jason Dojc

Transcribed by Otter.ai; edited by Sherri Parkins


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Comments (1)


This was an excellent interview, great questions Jennifer and Arushi. The information provided by Jason and Kristi will be useful to all of us. I learned a lot listening to this audio presentation. One of many comments from Jason that sticks out in my mind is that students need to get used to the communication tools that are used in business, and WhatsApp is not it, Teams is! Likewise with Kristi, one comment that sticks out the most is that COVID has provided students with the opportunity to learn to demonstrate their resiliency and to adapt, which is very much a desired quality sought after by employers.

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