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Welcome New Faculty Members: Understanding Your PD Requirements
Nominate faculty who improve the quality of education and enrich the student experience
Teaching & Learning Centre information for Chairs
Learn about Generative AI and its potential impact on higher education.
Podcast episode 7: In Conversation with Philip Ackerman: Seneca Award Winner for Teaching Excellence in Flexible Delivery
Blackboard Ultra is the latest iteration of the Blackboard Learning Management System and it is coming soon to Seneca. Want to learn more about Blackboard Ultra? Come to one of our upcoming webinars.
Podcast episode 6: Accessible Podcasting with Gina Catenazzo, Devin Andrade, and Alan Elliot
Project teams at Seneca have been busy leading and collaborating on projects that are designed to expand and build capacity for virtual learning, and they'll be available soon to all Ontario insti...
Seneca actively discourages the use of proctoring solutions.
Explore examples of welcome messages to start your course off right.
Podcast episode 5: Globalizing our Classrooms - Developing Intercultural Competence with Holly Cybulski
Podcast episode 4: Educational Technology Tools to Improve Engagement, Creativity, and Inclusivity with Siobhan Bell
Resources to help you teach with BigBlueButton
Resources to help you teach with Microsoft Teams
Resources to help you teach with Webex
Resources to help you teach with Zoom
HyFlex (or hybrid flexible) is a course design mode that gives students the opportunity to attend in class, online synchronously, or online asynchronously. Students can change their mode of attendance...
Podcast Episode 3: Unique Approaches to Online Math Assessment with Kevin Pitts
Podcast Episode 2: Using Microsoft Teams to Increase Engagement and Community in Your Class with Kirsti Clarida and Jason dojc
Podcast Episode 1: Adapting an Open Text with Tom Bartsiokas and Tricia Hylton
You can one of these platforms to build or adapt your OER.
A rubric is a document which communicates performance expectations.
Assessment design can be used to promote academic integrity.
Authentic Assessment definition and resources
In outcomes-based education, course assessments must assess the course learning outcomes.
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