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Blackboard Ultra | Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Technology | Seneca Polytechnic

Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Technology

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Blackboard Ultra

Blackboard Ultra

An Introduction to Blackboard Ultra


Blackboard Ultra is a new development from the original tool that provides access to course development for your semester of classes. With Ultra, it provides new technical changes from the original, Blackboard, but excels with workflow, the interface, and new settings offered. 

Ultra provides growth and new options regarding various concepts including the Gradebook, Creating Documents, Announcements, Folders & Modules, Tools, etc. 

Blackboard Ultra is designed to provide you as an instructor, a newly developed, and more efficient tool set that will help your course development, and connectivity with your students. 


For more information regarding Blackboard Ultra, please see the Teaching & Learning Centre's article.

You can find a detailed video regarding the same here.