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Seneca’s Faculty of Applied Science and Engineering Technology (FASET) delivers certificates, diplomas, advanced diplomas, degrees, and graduate certificate programs on four campuses and has an annual enrollment of more than 18,000 full-time students. It is a diverse portfolio of seven Schools, including Aviation, Biological Sciences & Applied Chemistry, Environmental and Civil Engineering Technology, Fire Protection Engineering Technology, Electronics and Mechanical Engineering Technology, Information Technology Administration and Security, and Software Design and Data Science.
All FASET’s academic programming is geared towards providing the labor market with graduates who have trained in our laboratories that emulate real-world industry environments and have the most current skills embedded in the respective programs. Several credentials provide the opportunity for students to achieve industry certifications as part of the program.
This intranet site is for FASET employees and highlights a lot of the great work that is completed by our team members. It is also a repository for Faculty documents and links to other areas of Seneca. We hope you find it informative and useful.
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