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Students Master Soft Skills with OSLT

Students Master Soft Skills with OSLT

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How can you make your professional introduction in the workplace memorable?  Can you showcase your skills even if all your work experience is in a foreign country?  Then once you are working, how do you confidently express your opinions at a meeting?  How do you show disagreement or manage a challenging interaction at work?

OSLT students learn the vocabulary used in their specified sector, like accounting and technical terminology, while practicing communication skills through practical activities.  They learn an elevator pitch to use at a networking event or a business meet and greet.  They learn how to present an idea to a supervisor and how to write a report updating progress on a project.  They polish their pronunciation and improve their grammar.  They also build a network of peers that will support them on their career journey.

Your hard skills will get you the job interview, but it will be your soft skills that will get you the job. Those are the skills students practice in Seneca’s OSLT classes. 

New OSLT classes, Accounting and Finance, Technology and Professional Managers will start in Fall 2023.  Classes are free for eligible students.  Classes are all online with students meeting on Zoom twice a week.

Please see the link for course descriptions and schedules:

OSLT Schedule

To be eligible for these free OSLT courses, students need to be Permanent Residents or Convention Refugees, (not Canadian citizens or Refugee Claimants), have a Canadian Language Benchmark level 6 – 8, and have prior work experience or training in the sector.

IRCC has also opened up the eligibility criteria to include Ukrainian students with a Temporary Residence and their dependents.  These students still need to have a CLB assessment level 6 – 8 as well as relevant work or training experience.

Students interested in OSLT can email the coordinator for more information:


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