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Communication Skills

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Description of Element

The ability to communicate information, arguments and analysis accurately and reliably, orally and in writing, to specialist and non-specialist audiences using structured and coherent arguments, and, where appropriate, informed by key concepts and techniques of the discipline


Communication skills at the degree level are centred on the logical presentation of ideas in order to support an argument or assumption. Strong writing and speaking skills are a necessary foundation, but are insufficient on their own to meet the standard. The presentation of material should be appropriately tailored to the target audience.

  • Are students taught how to develop an argument and use evidence to support their claim?
  • Do assessments mimic the type and style of documents or presentation materials commonly encountered in the area of study?
  • Are students required to correctly use technical, specialist or professional language?

Sample Learning Outcomes

Demonstrate effective evaluative and research writing using argumentative and analytical techniques. (ENG106)

Argue a perspective that reflects the content and challenges in the cognitive sciences within one’s written work. (INS301)

Demonstrate effective presentation delivery skills required for formal presentations to a client, suitably handling questions, interruptions, and hostility. (BTC340)


OWL – Online Writing Lab from Purdue University
The Online Writing Lab provides resources and instructional material to assist students and teachers with many types of writing projects.

The Write Site from the University of Sydney
The University of Sydney offers three modules (grammar, sources and structure) to help develop writing skills. It also offers PowerPoint presentations and handouts for students to help you integrate these modules into your course(s).

Presentation Skills from Queen’s University
Queen’s University Student Academic Success Services offers this set of resources on effectively preparing, practicing and delivering academic presentations.

Seneca Core Literacies –  Written Communication; Oral Communication 

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