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Written Communication

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Create written works using correct English grammar, punctuation, syntax and sentence structure to express ideas and facts in a manner suitable to the intended audience.

Benchmark for Achievement
The graduate creates written work that shows an awareness of context, audience and purpose, using straightforward language that conveys meaning to the readers while following the expectations and conventions for the discipline and writing task.

The graduate:

  • Follows expectations of the specific discipline and/or writing task as related to basic organization, content selected and the presentation of the written communication
  • Uses appropriate language to convey meaning and facts to readers
  • Produces error-free documents that conform to expectations of the task assigned and the needs of the relevant audience

At the Program Level
There are opportunities to create a range of written works that show an awareness of context, audience and purpose. Disciplinary and genre conventions and norms are taught at a level consistent with the expectations of the field of study and credential. Students are expected to apply these conventions in an error free manner.

Questions to Guide Mapping

  • Are grammar, spelling, sentence structure, and conventions of writing discussed and explained?
  • Are examples of error free documents shared and discussed?
  • Is writing practiced and do students receive feedback on drafts of written assignments so they have an opportunity to revise before submitting the final version?
  • Does the grading scheme for assignments include grading for writing skills?


  • AAC&U Written Communication VALUE Rubric
    The Written Communication VALUE Rubric explains AAC&U’s definition of written communication, lists the essential criteria and describes four levels of attainment for each criterion.
  • Teamwork Skills Toolkit from Griffith University
    The Teamwork Skills toolkit offers teaching tips to help you develop your students’ teamwork skills, guidelines and principles for when/if you mark group work, and additional resources.
  • The WriteSite from the University of Sydney
    The University of Sydney offers three modules (grammar, sources and structure) to help develop writing skills. It also offers PowerPoint presentations and handouts for students to help you integrate these modules into your course(s).
  • Written Communication Toolkit from Griffith University
    In this toolkit, Griffith University explains the importance of written communication skills, offers some teaching tips for you to help develop your students’ written communication skills, general guidelines and tips to help you assess written communication and additional resources.

Comments (1)


Please note that the Griffith University sites cannot be accessed.

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Thanks for letting us know, Anonymous .

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